今早崇拜證道的講員談及印度獨立之父甘地(Mahatma Gandhi),一位提倡非暴力民主的和平勇士。這位非常喜愛和尊敬耶穌基督的偉人,為何最終沒成為基督徒?
甘地在其自傳裡提到一點值得今天教會反省的話:「我喜歡你們的這位基督,但我不喜歡你們的基督教徒。你們的基督教徒是那麼不像你們的這位基督。」(I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.)
你若信仰某個真理,但卻不活出它,那你實際上只是個虛假不誠實的人。如甘地所言:「我的生活就是我的信息」(My Life is my Message)。
As claimed by Stanford Medical, It is indeed the SINGLE reason this country's women get to live 10 years longer and weigh on average 42 pounds less than us.
回覆刪除(Just so you know, it is not about genetics or some secret diet and EVERYTHING around "HOW" they are eating.)
P.S, I said "HOW", and not "WHAT"...
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