2013年10月30日 星期三


     Coming of Jesus Christ

黃仲佳著作《聖經奧秘研究》: 耶穌基督再來的日期(2016222)
     The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: Wong Chung-kai, John): The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is on 22nd Feb., 2016.

     Earthquake upon Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Palestine, on 30th Nov.,2011 ?

     The Mystery of Holy Bible: World War III in A.D.2012 and eternity in A.D.3016 ?

黃仲佳先生(Wong Chung-kai, John)的著作《聖經奧秘研究》The Mystery of Holy Bible 一書的原名是《給以色列的信》,它是一本奇妙的預言研究書。世上只有三本2004年版,2009年新版只有一本。
     The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is on Monday, 22nd Feb., 2016. The original name of `The Mystery of Holy Bible' (Author: Wong Chung-kai, John) is `A Letter to Israel', which is a wonderful prophecies research book. There are only 3 books of Chinese 2004 edition and one book of 2009 version in the world.

黃氏現代世界終結程式(I): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+3.5→A.D.2009 美國出現黑人總統(2009120日星期二)
     Wong's End Formula of the World (I): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+3.5--> A.D.2009 President of the Black appears in U.S.A. (on Tuesday, 20th Jan., 2009.)

黃氏現代世界終結程式(II): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7→A.D.2012 敵基督降臨(2012810日星期五)
     Wong's End Formula of the World (II): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7--> A.D.2012 Coming of the Anti-Christ (on Friday, 10th Aug., 2012.)

黃氏現代世界終結程式(III): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7+3.5→A.D.2016耶穌基督再來
     Wong's End Formula of the World (III): 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7+3.5--> A.D.2016 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

黃氏現代世界終結程式(IV): 445B.C.+(7x7)x50+7+3.5→A.D.2016耶穌基督再來(2016222日星期一)
     Wong's End Formula of the World (IV): 445B.C.+(7x7)x50+7+3.5--> A.D.2016 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (on Monday, 22nd Feb., 2016.)

     The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is probably on Monday, 22nd Feb., 2016 because:-

從波斯亞達薛西王出令重建耶路撒冷(聖城) 445B.C.+(70x7)x4+7x7+62x7→A.D.1998 簽訂《聖約》
     The going forth of the 3rd commandment to restore Jerusalem 445B.C.+(70x7)x4+7x7+62x7--> A.D.1998 The Holy Covenant

以色列與巴勒斯坦簽訂《聖約》 19981023+360x7+360x7+1290+1→2016222 耶穌基督再來(滿月之時)
     The Holy Covenant between Israel & Palestine...... 23rd Oct.,1998+360days x7+360days x7+1290days+1day --> 22nd Feb., 2016...... The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Date of full moon)

     The Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27:
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (Israel), and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment (536B.C.,457B.C.& 445B.C) to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince (A.D.26) shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again (487B.C.), and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (A.D.30), but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary (A.D.70&2012); and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he (Anti-Christ) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (23rd Oct.,1998 to 11th Nov.,2004): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease (A.D.2009 Christians will be taken to Heaven or delayed 3.5 years to A.D.2012 or delayed 7 years to A.D.2016), and for the overspreading of abominations (A.D.2012) he shall make it desolate (10th Aug.,2012), even until the consummation (22nd Feb.,2016), and that determined shall be pour upon the desolate.

Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events《預言科技》及《事件偵察》(PT&MAE)顯示美國在A.D.2003攻擊伊拉克,最終催化伊斯蘭軍事同盟與東方共產集團軍事結盟的出現,形成第三次世界大戰。從 PT&MAE 的角度看,第三次世界大戰發生於A.D.2003,但戰事斷斷續續,高潮在A.D.2009A.D.2012A.D.2016,因為第三次世界大戰是伊斯蘭(回教)與東方共產集團(包括前蘇聯及亞洲一些非共產國家)聯手與美國集團國爭奪世界霸權的戰爭。A.D.2012的小型核戰為地球帶來大災難(這就是聖經所說的「一載二載半載」期的開始),戰事導致15億人口死亡,北美洲、歐洲及北亞洲將成為核戰後的荒場,地球氣溫平均遽降約攝氏20度。魔鬼於2012810(星期五)從天降臨以靈魂入侵人心,隨即掀起宗教狂熱,地上的人誤以為是基督(救世主),許多人因此被迷惑了,而真的耶穌基督要等到2016222(星期一)才能降臨。數學顯示A.D.2012美國在聯合國開始被孤立,中國大陸於2012年合併臺灣,世界第一枚攻擊美國的長程核子導彈發射自俄羅斯。以色列遭受核子導彈攻擊的年份最可能是A.D.2012,而美國遭受大規模長程核子導彈攻擊的年份最可能是A.D.2016(可能於2016222日星期一)
     U.S.A. military force attacked Iraq in A.D.2003 will catalize the formation of Islam Military Alliance & Communism Military Alliance. The peak times of World War III will be in A.D.2009, A.D.2012 & A.D.2016. At the point of view of mathelogical investigation, World War III is continuous and will last from A.D.2003 to A.D.2016 because World War III is a struggle for supremacy between Islam & Communism against U.S.A. Alliance. In A.D.2012, Israel will be ruined partially by nuclear weapons. This begins the period of the great tribulation 'A Time, Times, and An Half' mentioned in chapter 12, verse 7, The Book of Daniel in The Holy Bible. The World War III will kill 1.5 billions of people. Simultaneously The King of Devils, Satan, will disguise as the Messiah, Saviour, and descend onto the Earth on Friday, 10th Aug., 2012 to uprouse human's fanatical enthusiasm in a religion. Many people will be deluded. The first nuclear missile striking U.S.A. will be launched from Russia. U.S.A. will be completely ruined by nuclear weapons in A.D.2016, probably on 22nd Feb, 2016. North America, Europe and the north part of Asia will be ruined by massive nuclear weapons completely. The genuine Saviour, Jesus Christ, will descend onto the Earth on Monday, 22nd Feb., 2016. PT&MAE also reveals that The People's Republic of China will unify with Taiwan in A.D.2012. U.S.A. will become lonesome in the United Nations beginning in A.D.2012.

伊斯蘭(回教)開始統治巴勒斯坦 A.D.637+1260=A.D.1897 第一次世界猶太(以色列)復國運動大會
     From Islam conquered Palestine: A.D.637+1260=A.D.1897 First Zionist Congress (on 29 Aug.,1897).

第一次出令重建耶路撒冷城 536B.C.+(70x7)x5=A.D.1914 第一次世界大戰爆發
     From the going forth of 1st commandment to restore Jerusalem: 536B.C.+(70x7)x5=A.D.1914 World War (I)

第一次出令重建耶路撒冷城 536B.C.+49x50=A.D.1914 以色列復國運動開始有希望  From the going forth of 1st commandment to restore Jerusalem: 536B.C.+49x50=A.D.1914 Restoration of the state of Israel in hope.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷城 457B.C.+7x7=408B.C. 聖城耶路撒冷重建完畢
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 457B.C.+7x7=408B.C. The building of Jerusalem was complete.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷城 457B.C.+7x7+62x7=A.D.26 耶穌基督被聖靈膏為「千禧年國」君王並開始傳道
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 457B.C.+7x7+62x7=A.D.26 Jesus Christ was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be the Messiah the Prince, King of Millennium.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷城 公元前4571024(Tue.)+7x7+62x7=公元後261024(Sat.) 耶穌被膏為君王
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: (Tuesday, 24th Oct.,457B.C.)+7x7years+62x7years=(Saturday, 24th Oct.,26A.D.) Jesus Christ was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be the Messiah the Prince, King of Millennium.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷城 457B.C.+7x7+62x7+3.5=A.D.30 耶穌基督被釘十字架(君王被剪除)及復活升天
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 457B.C.+7x7+62x7+3.5=A.D.30 Jesus Christ was crucified dead, the Messiah the Prince was cut off.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷 公元前4571024(Tue.)+7x7+62x7+1260=公元後3045(Fri.)耶穌被釘十架
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: (Tuesday, 24th Oct.,457B.C.)+7x7years+62x7years+1260days=(Friday, 5th April,30A.D.) Jesus Christ was crucified dead, the Messiah the Prince was cut off.

第二次出令重建耶路撒冷城 457B.C.+49x50=A..D.1993 巴勒斯坦解放組織與以色列互相承認以、巴簽訂《互相承認協議條款》1993910(Fri.)+1335x2=200111(Sat.) 太陽曆「新千禧」
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 457B.C.+49x50(Golden Jubilee)=A..D.1993 The covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Oslo Accords. From the covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Oslo Accords: (Friday, 10th Sept.,1993)+1335days x2=(Saturday, 1st Jan.,2001) The Millennium

第二次波斯王出令重建耶路撒冷 457B.C.+(70x7)x5=A.D.1993 以色列和巴勒斯坦簽訂互相承認協議條款
     From the going forth of 2nd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 457B.C.+(70x7)x5=A.D.1993 The covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Oslo Accords.

第三次波斯王出令重建耶路撒冷城 445B.C.+(70x7)x4+7x7+62x7=A.D.1998 以色列和巴勒斯坦簽訂「聖約」
     From the going forth of 3rd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 445B.C.+(70x7)x4+7x7+62x7=A.D.1998 The holy covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Wye River Memorandum.

第三次波斯王出令重建耶路撒冷城 公元前4451023(Tue.)+(70x7)x4+7x7+62x7=19981023(Fri.) 簽訂聖約
     From the going forth of 3rd commandment to restore Jerusalem: (Tuesday, 23rd Oct.,445B.C.)+(70x7)x4years+7x7years+62x7years=(Friday, 23rd Oct.,1998) The holy covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Wye River Memorandum.

第三次波斯王出令重建耶路撒冷城 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7=A.D.2012 巴勒斯坦獨立(敵基督陸續出現,可能有七位。)
     From the going forth of 3rd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7=A.D.2012 Independent Palestine State established, Anti-Christ appears.

第三次波斯王出令重建耶路撒冷城 445B.C.+(7x7)x50+7=A.D.2012 伊斯蘭國與以色列戰爭爆發(以色列被巴勒斯坦和伊朗用核子彈突襲,戰爭延至A.D.2016)
     From the going forth of 3rd commandment to restore Jerusalem: 445B.C.+(7x7)x50+7=A.D.2012 Israel was attacked mainly by Iranian nuclear weapons & Palestine armed forces. Islam-Israel wars commence unto A.D.2016.

以色列王國亡於亞述帝國 722B.C.+1335x2=A.D.1948 以色列復國( 1948515Sat.)
     From the Assyria Empire conquered the Kingdom of Israel: 722B.C.+1335x2=A.D.1948 Restoration of the state of Israel (on Saturday, 15th May,1948)

希臘帝國本當稱霸世界的年份 (331+21)B.C.+2300=A.D.1948 以色列復國
     Should the Medo-Persian Empire defeated by Greco-Macedonian Empire was not delayed by 21 years: (331+21)B.C.+2300=A.D.1948 Restoration of the state of Israel

希臘帝國稱霸世界的年份 331B.C.+(2300+21)=A.D.1990 蘇聯和附庸國被傾覆(A.D.1989-A.D.1991)
     Should the Greco-Macedonian Empire becoming 5th superpower in the world was not delayed by 21 years: 331B.C.+(2300+21)=A.D.1990 Collapse of the USSR & Warsaw Pact members (A.D.1989-A.D.1991)

西流古一世建立條支帝國 312B.C.+2300=A.D.1988 巴勒斯坦成立政權
     A general of Alexander the Great, Nicator Seleucus I, founded Seleucid Dynasty of Syria: 312B.C.+2300=A.D.1988 Palestine declared a Palestinian state.

條支帝國本當建立的年份 (312+21)B.C.+(2300+21)=A.D.1988 巴勒斯坦建立政權
     Should the Seleucid dynasty of Syria was not delayed by 21 years: (312+21)B.C.+(2300+21)=A.D.1988 Palestine declared a Palestinian state.

第三次中東戰爭 A.D.1967+3x7=A.D.1988 巴勒斯坦成立政權
     From 3rd Israeli-Arabic War: A.D.1967+3x7=A.D.1988 Palestine declared a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (on Tuesday, 15 Nov.,1988).

第四次中東戰爭 A.D.1973+3x7=A.D.1994 巴勒斯坦開始擁有疆土及自治
     From 4th Israeli-Arabic War: A.D.1973+3x7=A.D.1994 Palestinian Authority created to administer the West Bank of Jordon and Gaza Strip.

以色列從約旦取回聖城耶路撒冷 A.D.1967+7x7=A.D.2016 聖殿被潔淨(耶穌基督再來)
     From Israel captured the land of holy Temple: A.D.1967+7x7=A.D.2016 Restoration of sanctuary, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

以色列復國 1948515 (Sat.)+(2300+21)x3=196767(Wed.) 從約旦取回聖城耶路撒冷
     From restoration of the state of Israel: (Saturday,15th May,1948)+(2300+21)days x3=(Wednesday,7th June,1967) Israel re-united the Wailing Wall & the land of holy Temple from Jordon.

以色列復國 A.D.1948+50=A.D.1998 以色列與巴勒斯坦自治政府簽訂「聖約」( 19981023Fri.)
     From restoration of the state of Israel: A.D.1948+50=A.D.1998 The holy golden jubilee covenant between Israel & Palestine, the Wye River Memorandum (on Friday, 23rd Oct., 1998).

猶大王國亡於巴比倫帝國 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D.1994 公山羊頭上「小角」(假先知)異象的預言被解封了
     From the fall of Jerusalem, Kingdom of Judah conquered by Babylon Empire: 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D.1994 The little horn of he goat in the vision of `Two Thousand & Three Hundred Days' was unsealed.

除掉常獻的燔祭 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D.1994 巴勒斯坦開始擁有疆土開始自治(「小角」被確立)
     From daily sacrifice taken away: 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D.1994 Palestinian Authority created to administer the West Bank of Jordon and Gaza Strip.

巴比倫王金像開光 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D..1994 黃仲佳 先生(人類)開始完全明白《但以理書》和《啟示錄》[因為公山羊頭上「小角」(假先知)異象的預言被解封了]
     From the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, in Dura: 586B.C.+1290x2=A.D..1994 John Wong (human) fully understands the vision of `Two Thousand & Three Hundred Days' because the vision was unsealed.

